Some of us are lucky to work at a job which we actually “love”, some don’t but most of I guess are somewhere in between. Those of that can combine the two things are indeed very fortunate.
There’s a basic need in each one of us to create things, Peter Korn’s book “Why We Make Things and Why It Matters” describes this inner drive very well. Whether it’s art or craftsmanship we need something other than the daily grind.
My journey into pottery and ceramics is a long one. Many many years ago a night school class at the local school left me with some awful clay objects and a lot of unfinished business. It was only recently, however I took a decision to follow up on that previous seed of imagination, some 40 years later.

I searched around for a studio or classes where I could learn to make stuff with clay, to become a potter, to see if what I thought was a dormant ability was indeed real and worth developing or whether it was just a fantasy.
Finding Diane and Marvin, Muddy Fingers, based in Jarrow just east of Newcastle was the starting point for what has become a bit of an obsession and a journey of learning and experimentation.
Their friendly no nonsense approach to pottery and teaching appeals to beginners and the more experienced alike. They run workshops throughout the North East and in better time at various festivals both in the UK and overseas.
I’ve learnt a lot from both these two and continue to look to them for advice and and guidance as well as kiln services.